
Showing posts from April, 2021

Experimental Baking Take 4

   OK - trying this another time with some of the baking info I gleaned this morning looking at how different recipes are constructed.  Cooking is really just chemistry with easily obtainable ingredients and a stove.... the result was a little chewy on the outside, maybe one less egg white is in order?, but a good sweet but not too sweet inside of the cake that complemented cherry jelly nicely. 1 cup flour 1/2 cup granulated white sugar 1.5 tsp cream of tartar 1/2 tsp salt (mixed the cream of tartar and salt together well, then sifted it through the flour, then added the sugar and stirred it all up) melted 1/2 stick butter and separated into six Jumbo muffin pan wells started the oven heating to 400 degrees separated 4 eggs from our very productive chickens, and beat the whites together added 1 tsp vanilla extract added 1/2 cup milk beat that just a little to mix  put the pan with the butter in it in the oven to heat up added it all at once to the dry materials and b...

Experimental Baking

M ade another iteration of the popover-like recipe, not a failure, still needs 'something'... used a new baking pan with deep muffin wells and they came out of the pan like a dream, and were great with maple syrup, but still a bit heavy. Preheat oven to 425 degrees. 1 c. flour, 1 tsp salt (little less), 1 tsp baking powder, 2 tbsp white sugar, sifted together. Melt 1/2 stick butter, spoon about 1 tbsp into each of 6 wells. Place pan with butter in it in the oven. Dump the rest of the melted butter into 3/4 cup milk, add 1 tsp vanilla, add two medium-to-large chicken eggs and beat. Slowly add wet mixture to dry mixture and then remove pan carefully to oven (butter should be bubbling), evenly divide mixture between six wells, place back in oven and reduce heat to 400 degrees. Bake about 25 minutes undisturbed in oven. Remove pan and tarts? should come out of pan easily to place on a plate. // thinking how this would go with cheese, or blueberries, or other things includ...

The Productivity Hour Project

some of the raised beds in the garden where I practice my odd form of gardening the snowball bush in bloom   Not sure what it is, will have to look it up - has a green 'endive' type smell  I haven't posted anywhere else about this yet, just here.  For the past few months I've been doing what I've told myself is 'The Productivity Project'... and it is slightly based off of something I did with the Puttytribe called 'Jumpstart January' back in 2020. The first thing is to examine your goals, and pick something you think you can keep up for at least an hour almost every day for a few months - something productive, that you might not let yourself spend that much time on.  The JJ thing wasn't an hour, just a list of promises to tick off you had done them.  Some people did language learning, others did sketching, or other arts, or fitness or music goals.  I did a little of those things, too - some great paintings and a lot of Welsh. But with the Product...